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After 100 years, Japan-U.K. ties closer than ever 『The Japan News』



The world faces increasing uncertainty as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine continues while a new wave of novel coronavirus infections is rapidly spreading in many areas.

Amid such circumstances, one political leader is set to leave the political stage in several weeks while another leader recently was permanently removed — for very different reasons. One is British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and the other is former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

As for the British leader, it was revealed that he had attended parties at 10 Downing Street during COVID-19 lockdowns. When he came under a new volley of criticism for his handling of a sex scandal involving a senior Conservative Party member of Parliament, the loss of public confidence was finally too great.





2023/12/13 東京電力福島第一原発事故の対応に首相補佐官、担当閣僚として当初から関わり、近年は処理水の海洋放出に向け「安全性、必要性」を強く訴えてきた細野豪志・衆院議員。細谷雄一nippon.com編集企画委員(慶應義塾大学法学部教授)がインタビューし、これまでの経...


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