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Episode 41: Cut from the Same Cloth? Ukraine and the Cross-Strait Crisis 『RUSI Bridging the Ocean 』



What lessons can be learned from the war in Ukraine when tackling the cross-strait crisis?

In this special episode of Bridging the Oceans, Veerle speaks with Yuichi Hosoya of Keio University, Tokyo about the parallels between the war in Ukraine and the current standoff over Taiwan, and the extent to which these comparisons are valid. They examine escalation scenarios across the Taiwan Strait, in light of Russia’s pattern of behaviour before invading Ukraine. And they discuss what role Japan could play in the maintenance of peace and stability in the region, as well as which key networks and strategic alliances Japan will be relying on.





2023/12/13 東京電力福島第一原発事故の対応に首相補佐官、担当閣僚として当初から関わり、近年は処理水の海洋放出に向け「安全性、必要性」を強く訴えてきた細野豪志・衆院議員。細谷雄一nippon.com編集企画委員(慶應義塾大学法学部教授)がインタビューし、これまでの経...


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