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“On Prime Minister Abe Shinzo”—Creating a new foreign policy to replace the Yoshida Doctrine



The politician who made the post-Cold War

Exactly 60 years ago, in September 1962, political scientist and Kyoto University assistant professor Kosaka Masataka (1934–1996), returned from his studies at Harvard University, and was staying at the International House of Japan (IHJ) in Tokyo.

IHJ research director Royama Michio (1928–2009) contacted Kasuya Kazuki (1930–2014), editor-in-chief of Chuokoron, and recommended that he meet with the young political scientist. Immediately, Kasuya got in contact with Kosaka, who was around the same age, and arranged for a meeting. After meeting and hitting it off with Kosaka, Kasuya asked him to write a manuscript, which became the opening article in the January 1963 issue of Chuokoron, titled “Genjitsu shugisha no heiwaron” (A Realist Theory of Peace), and marked Kosaka’s debut in serious magazines...





2023/12/13 東京電力福島第一原発事故の対応に首相補佐官、担当閣僚として当初から関わり、近年は処理水の海洋放出に向け「安全性、必要性」を強く訴えてきた細野豪志・衆院議員。細谷雄一nippon.com編集企画委員(慶應義塾大学法学部教授)がインタビューし、これまでの経...


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