In March 2022, JIIA published a collection of essays in a volume titled The San Francisco Peace Settlement and East Asia (University of Tokyo Press) that examined the historical significance of the San Francisco Peace Treaty in the context of Japanese, East Asian, and other international settings, allowing for the analysis of the history of the post-World War II East Asian regional order from a holistic and multi-faceted perspective. Building on the publication of The San Francisco Peace Settlement and East Asia, the symposium seeks to reassess the historical significance of the San Francisco Peace Settlement.
Date and time: Saturday, January 14, 2023, 16:00-19:00 (JST)
Place: TKP Garden City Kyoto Tower Hotel (Hakkaku hall). The proceedings will be streamed on Zoom.
住所:〒600-8216京都府京都市下京区烏丸通七条下ル東塩小路町721-1 京都タワーホテル 9階
Address: Kyoto Tower Hotel 9th Floor, 721-1 Higashishiokoji-cho, Karasuma-dori Shichijyo-sagaru, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto-fu, 600-8216, Japan
3.登壇者/ Discussants:
細谷 雄一(慶應義塾大学教授/日本国際問題研究所上席客員研究員)
Yuichi Hosoya (Professor, Keio University/JIIA Senior Adjunct Fellow)
波多野 澄雄(国立公文書館アジア歴史資料センター長)
Sumio Hatano (Director-General of the Japan Center for Asian Historical Records)
川島 真(東京大学大学院総合文化研究科教授)
Shin Kawashima (Professor, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo)
楠 綾子(国際日本文化研究センター教授)
Ayako Kusunoki (Professor, International Research Center for Japanese Studies)
西村 真彦(国際日本文化研究センター機関研究員)
Masahiko Nishimura (Institutional Researcher, International Research Center for Japanese Studies)
Languages: Japanese, with simultaneous interpretation into English